What is the GEA ?

The Grandville Education Assocation (GEA) represents over 320 teachers and other professionals who work for the Grandville Public School District. We are affiliated with the Michigan Education Association (MEA) and the National Education Association (NEA).

As an organization dedicated to the principles of representative democracy, each building in the Grandville Public School District is entitled to elect building representatives and officers to serve as GEA representatives. It is the duty of each representative to serve their constituents as a confidant and advisor in contractual and labor-related issues, a liaison between the members they represent and the administration, and as a voting member of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board generally meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month during the school year, and it is there that the business of the Association is conducted on behalf of the members. As such, it is often the GEA representatives who are most "in the know" about what is taking place behind the scenes in the District. Your Executive Board Building Representatives are expected to hold a brief meeting about once a month during the school year, to keep GEA members informed and to answer any questions they may have. As such, basic questions or concerns should always be brought first to your GEA Building Representative.

In addition, the GEA officers and Executive Board that has been elected by the membership is to assist in making Association decisions. Your Association President, Troy Ungrey, has been released from his teaching duties by the district every school day from 10:07 AM to 12:38 PM & 1:46 PM to 2:44 PM in order to represent the GEA's members full time. He operates under the GEA contract and is available at extension 6344 or by email.

Meet your Grandville Education Association officers ...
Terms of officers shall be for two (2) years and shall commence on July 1st. Officers are elected to their position in May of the final year of the existing term.

Troy Ungrey
2023 - 2025


4700 Canal Ave, SW
Grandville, MI 49418

Jeff Pietrowski
2023 - 2025


3535 Wilson Ave, SW
Grandville, MI 49418

Erin Hall
2023 - 2025


5710 Kenowa Ave, SW
Wyoming, MI 49418

Ron Denning
2023 - 2025


4700 Canal Ave, SW
Grandville, MI 49418